Personalized Nutrition Consulting

Seek Health Nutrition Consulting

Ashley Hardage MS, RDN, LDN, the visionary founder of Seek Health, is passionately crafting a transformative nutrition consulting program that caters to individuals with diverse wellness goals and needs. Drawing upon her extensive experience and academic background, Ashley is dedicated to creating a program that empowers you to achieve your health and wellness aspirations.

Personalized Guidance for Your Unique Journey

Are you looking to manage your weight, enhance your energy levels, optimize athletic performance, or address specific health concerns? Seek Health's nutrition consulting program will provide you with personalized guidance and support tailored to your individual needs. Our goal is to help you navigate the complexities of nutrition, making sustainable lifestyle changes that will have a lasting impact.

Be Part of the Wellness Transformation

At Seek Health, we're committed to helping you unlock your full potential and embrace a life of vitality. Ashley's dedication to your well-being, combined with her personalized approach to nutrition, promises a program that will empower and inspire you on your unique wellness journey.

Thank you for your interest in Seek Health's nutrition consulting services. Get ready to embark on a wellness journey that will change the way you think about nutrition and well-being.

Consulation Pricing

Initial Consultation $175

  • 1 hr in person or remote consult/3 wk unlimited call/email support
  • Review your medications, medical diagnosis, and current labs
  • Create a plan for your personal nutrition goals and create a strategy together to accomplish them.
  • Includes current diet analysis, Individualized recipes, and grocery lists
  • Additional consultations. What works? What doesn’t?: (45 min-$100)

Sports Nutrition Consultation $250

  • Current diet analysis, personalized macro calculations, individualized meal planning based on needs
  • Personalized plan for meal timing, nutrition for optimized energy, and healthy snack Ideas
  • Handouts and additional healthy recipe Ideas

Personalized Kitchen Makeover $400

  • One 4 hour home visit Including current diet analysis
  • Individualized meal plan based on personal goals
  • Grocery shop together to find healthy foods that you enjoy
  • Meal prep your 7 day meal plan TOGETHER

Get Healthy Together: Couples Package $375

  • Three 60 min counseling sessions with your partner
  • Current Diet Analysis / Personalized 7 day meal plan
  • Unlimited call/email support during during consulting period
  • Have kids? We do nutrition consulting for families